We are conducting a two-year study to adapt and pilot test the LAP-Maryland Model in three operational areas of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Domestic Abuse Response Team Program.
Research Aims
Aim 1:
Assess fit, feasibility and agency readiness for implementing the Lethality Assessment Program in Los Angeles.
Aim 2:
Develop a protocol for replicating the LAP and integrating it into the existing Domestic Abuse Response Team Program.
Aim 3:
Pilot test the LAP in three Domestic Abuse Response Team Program divisions.
Funding Source
University of California Firearm Violence Research Center: https://health.ucdavis.edu/vprp/UCFC/index.html
For More Information and to get involved
Email: jennwagman@ucla.edu
UCLA Research Team

Jennifer A. Wagman, MHS, PHD
Principal Investigator

Daphne Marvel, MPH
Graduate Student Researcher

Michael A. Rodríguez, MD, MPH

Deborah Glik, ScDCo-Investigator
Community Partners
Los Angeles Police Department https://www.lapdonline.org/
Jenesse Center: https://jenesse.org/
Peace Over Violence https://www.peaceoverviolence.org/
Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office
Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence: https://www.mnadv.org/
For More Information and to get involved
Email: jennwagman@ucla.edu