You See (UC) Lavender: Assessing Sexual Violence and Harassment Among Sexual and Gender Minority Students at UCLA
Sexual and gender minority students (SGMS) include those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, queer, transgender, gender diverse, or non-binary. While only 6-10% of college students in the United States are SGMS, they experience a disproportionate burden of all campus-based sexual violence and sexual harassment (SVSH) and intimate partner violence (IPV), compared to their heterosexual and cisgender peers. SGMS survivors of these abuses are less likely (than heterosexual and cisgender survivors) to access resources. This increases risk for depression, substance use disorders, chronic disease, mental illness, injury, social isolation, stigma, and shame. Further, SGMS survivors who do access resources, may experience re-traumatization and re-victimization, due to many counselors and personnel who are not culturally competent about the ways in which gender, sexuality, race, and other social identities intersect to produce disparate experiences with SVSH and IPV.

Research Aims

Aim 1:
Assess the ways in which SGM students and recent graduates at UCLA experience discrimination and SVSH during their time at UCLA

Aim 2:
Investigate the extent in which SGMS know and trust campus reporting services and survivor resources

Aim 3:
Explore the ways race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, disability, and other social determinants intersect with sexual orientation and gender identity and influence reporting and help-seeking behaviors following an incident of SVSH

Aim 4:
Generate recommendations do SGMS survivors and allies have for improving prevention education; SVSH health, safety and survivor programs/policies/resources; and Title IX reporting procedures at UCLA


For More Information

Please reach out to:

UC Lavender:

Shirell Mizrahi:

Sean Sugai:

UCLA Research Team

Shirelle Mizrahi, MPH

Graduate Student Lead Investigator 

Sean Sugai

Undergraduate Student Lead Investigator

Jennifer A. Wagman, PhD, MHS

Faculty Advisor and Investigator

For More Information

Please reach out to:

UC Lavender:

Shirell Mizrahi:

Sean Sugai: